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Senate Passes Bill To Strengthen Secondary Education

Senate Passes Bill To Strengthen Secondary Education



Senate Passes Bill To Strengthen Secondary Education


The Senate, Tuesday, July 26, 2022 passed into law the National Senior Secondary Education Commission Bill, 2022. The passage of the Bill was sequel to the presentation of its report by the Committee on Education (Basic and Secondary).


Sen. Akon Eyakenyi (PDP - Akwa-Ibom South), while presenting the report on behalf of the Committee’s Chairman, Sen. Ibrahim Gaidam (APC - Yobe East), said the Bill which has 33 clauses, seeks to repeal the existing Act on National Secondary Education Commission. 


She added that the Bill when assented to would provide and strengthen the legislative framework for the functioning of the Senior Secondary Education sector. 


The lawmaker added that, it will also address the unfortunate neglect of the Senior Secondary Education in Nigeria in terms of regulatory and financial interventions which hitherto has been extended to Primary and Junior Secondary Education through UBEC, and the Tertiary Education Institutions through TETFUND, NBTE, NCCE.


The Bill when passed into law will also make provision for the sourcing of funds for interventions and modalities for benefitting institutions therefrom, she said. 




Dr. Ezrel Tabiowo, FAI, FIMC, CMC, FCP, Fsca


Special Assistant (Press)

To President of the Senate 


Tuesday, July 26, 2022.

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